Position paper – EREF Feedback on TYNDP 2022 Storyline Development, July 2024
EREF welcomes that ENTSO-E and ENTSOG have identified the Green Transition as one of the main drivers for future energy landscape development. EREF also welcomes the efforts in more transparency by publishing stakeholder feedback in the future before the publication of the final report. However, as the Green Transition has been rightly identified as a main driver, in this context we strongly urge an incorporation of current research findings and policy developments in the TYNDP Storyline and Sc...
The economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is likely to be one of the worst to hit the world since the Great Depression. An economic ...
What would be the main features of a truly integrated energy system to enable a climate neutral future? Where do you see benefits or synergies...
Sector coupling/smart sector integration (SSI) is an important element in the energy transition process towards 2030, which is why EREF suppor...
EREF welcomes the establishment of a new EU financing mechanism for renewable energy, assisting the EU in attaining its energy and climate goa...
We welcome the proposal for an EU Tender Scheme outlined in the leaked Green Recovery proposal. However, we are concerned that this is confine...
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Dr António Sá da Costa was unanimously re-elected as EREF President for the next two years by members of the European Renewable Energies Fed...
Joint open letter to set out the concerns of the European renewable energy sector about the impact of slow permitting across Europe on the Eur...
EREF welcomes financial institutions and industry representatives on our joint pathway towards a swift energy system change with 100% renewa...
With occasion of this year’s Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Berlin, the European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF) vigorously advocates t...
The EU needs to maintain its commitment to “Net Zero 2050” and take on the leading role for making Europe become the first climate neutral...
EREF welcomes the increase of the climate target for 2030. The planned reduction of CO2 emissions by 2030 from 40% to 50-55% is another indica...
The global spread of COVID-19 has caused thousands of deaths and alarmed individuals, communities, businesses and society around the world. T...
PV prosumers on the rise - EU research project provides information on new PV concepts...
EREF wholeheartedly welcomes and supports the tremendous work plan to decarbonise Europe. We need a clear no-regret-decision to start a fast a...
An enormous congratulations to former EREF Senior Policy Advisor, Dirk Hendricks who has been made Secretary General....
The EU’s research policy can be fine-tuned to provide more support. European Commission President-elect Ursula von der Leyen has pledged to ...
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Investment in renewable energy assets in the EU dropped by 18% in 2015 reaching its lowest level since 20061. Retroactive changes in key Euro...
The discussion on the reform of the power sector has at times attributed market distortions almost exclusively to the regulatory frameworks f...
Ocean energy projects are considered risky for investors because, until enough operating hours in real sea conditions have been clocked up by...
In October 2014, 28 EU Heads of State agreed that a binding target for renewables should be set at EU level to meet their collective climate ...
The renewable energy sector welcomes the development of integrated national plans and reports as part of the governance of the Energy Union ...
The European renewable energy sector understands the Commission’s Regulatory Scrutiny Board has rejected the Impact Assessment for the post...
The Clean Energy Package needs to be ambitious for the EU to comply with the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Energy Union commitmen...
Climate mainstreaming target in Horizon Europe We hope that within the Council you can speak up in favour of wording suggested by the Europea...
With the upcoming decision on the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), the EU institutions will set a direction which will determine t...
We, the participants of the 3rd International Community Wind Symposium, call on all governments at local, regional, national and supranationa...
Renewable energy technology has been crucial in reducing the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions and delivering economic growth. But if the Paris...
NER 300: essential Valley of Death financing instrument NER300 provides a much needed boost to the demonstration of innovative renewable ener...
When presenting the European Energy Security Strategy (EESS) on 28th May, EU Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger gave a remarkable perform...
On 15 October 2013, the four responsible transmission system operators (TSOs) will announce the level of the EEG surcharge for 2014. In this...
To achieve the multiple objectives of the European Climate and Energy policy, the European Union should adopt an integrated climate and energ...
EREF welcomes the vote in the Environment committee on its opinion to the 2050 Energy roadmap calling for a clear, ambitious and binding rene...
The European bioenergy industry and RES organisations would like to express their concern regarding draft proposals aiming to amend Directive...
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At least 15 million European households are willing to actively support the transition towards a cleaner energy supply. They have already opt...
The recast of the internal market regulation has been extended to include provisions on priority dispatch, redispatch, curtailment rules and c...
At least 15 million European households are willing to actively support the transition towards a cleaner energy supply. They have already opt...
President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker announced in July 2014 the goal for the European Union to “become the world number...
Les objectifs contraignant 20% ENR ont démontré que des objectifs juridiquement contraignants à long terme sont un succès afin de donner ...
EREF welcomes the European Commission’s consultation on generation adequacy, capacity mechanisms and the internal market in electricity. We...
EREF strongly regrets the decision of the European Commission (Commission) to open an in-depth investigation according to Article 108(2) of t...
By and large, EREF welcomes the European Commission’s efforts to review the State aid rules and to simplify where possible. State aid still...
By and large, EREF welcomes the European Commission’s efforts to review the State aid rules and to simplify where possible. State aid still...
EREF welcomes the European Commission’s efforts to modernize the State aid framework and provide the Member States and stakeholders with a ...
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The Clean Energy Package sets a renewable energy target of at least 32% by 2030. For investors, this target is the minimum to keep momentum g...
As representative of the European Renewable Energy Federation (EREF), we would like to present you with our view on the current dispute conce...
On behalf of the national renewable energy association of Europe, we kindly ask you to support compromise amendment 1a (Proposal for a direct...
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The Clean Energy Package presented by the European Commission in November 2016 proposes a binding EU energy efficiency target of at least 30%...
Esteemed heads of States and Governments, Members of the European Council, We, the undersigned, representing a wide spectrum of industry sect...
We are writing to you to ask the European Council to call for determined 2030 climate and energy policies with an ambitious policy framework ...
We are writing to you to express our deep concerns regarding the current discussions on the European 2030 climate and energy framework and th...
With due respect and fully acknowledging the difficult political situation for your Government, we wish to convey to you our serious concerns...
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Elections for the European Parliament are upcoming on the 25th -26th May and the European Political groups have to notify their composition ...
Our organisations are all strong advocates for European policies that give citizens and businesses control over their energy future through e...
EU funds, particularly the Horizon 2024 and Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) programmes, have been key in producing strategic climate and sust...
After the publication of the 1.5°C Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change calling for “rapid and far-reaching transitions...
The European Union is at a crossroads, with the ambition of bringing its energy and climate transition to the next level. The current negotia...
We wish to emphasize the importance of maintaining a dedicated area for renewable energy technology, in the Commission’s post-2024 Framewor...
14 Member States1 have pressed for at least 20% of the EU’s post-2024 budget (“Multi-annual Financial Framework”) to be spent on climat...
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EREF has been informed by its members, that the Estonian government is about to step back from its commitments under the Draft Partnership Ag...
The European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF) and the European Biogas Association (EBA) would like to express their concern regarding the...
We are writing to you to draw your attention to another retroactive and unfavourable change of framework conditions for renewable energy in E...
EREF, the European Renewable Energies Federations, together with the Spanish Renewable Energy Association, APPA, as the umbrella of the renewa...
The European Union has made a clear commitment to have global leadership in renewables and energy efficient solutions. The Clean Energy Packa...
EREF-APPA letter to Commissioner Oettinger on waring against new round of retroactive changes in renewable energy support schemes in Spain, Ma...
We are writing to you ahead of the TTE (Energy) Council of 22 February 2013 to share EREF’s concerns regarding the discussions around the E...
Following up on our letter dated 23 November 2012 through which EREF, the European Renewable Energies Federation, together with GAREP, the Gr...
We are contacting you regarding some alarming developments in the regulatory framework proposed by the Government of Estonia on the renewable...
EREF, the European Renewable Energies Federation,together with GAREP, the Greek Association of Renewable Electricity Producers, representing t...
EREF has become aware of two most important current moves by the Directorate General Competition (DG COMP) which both substantially endanger ...
The recently leaked draft of new Guidelines on environmental and energy aid for 2014-2024 raises serious concerns, in particular because it s...
PRESS RELEASE - Brussels, 28 November 2017 – One year ago, the European Commission presented the Clean Energy for All Europeans legislative...
The renewable energy industry associations give a cautious approval to the outcomes of the negotiations between the European Union co-legisla...
EREF generally welcomes the result of yesterday’s vote of the European Parliament on renewable energy, governance framework and energy effi...
Today, the leading energy consultancies Ecofys, a Navigant company, and TU Wien published their report “National benchmarks for a more ambi...
Yesterday, the European Commission published its Clean Energy Package, with the objective to pave the way towards achieving a carbon free eco...
The European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF) informed the leadership of the EU Commission with direct letters on its worry that the upco...
ip转换器_ip转换工具_ip转换器免费版 - 多多软件站:2021-12-21 · IP是每个上网电脑所用有的地址,即IP地址,给大家打个通俗易懂的比方吧:也就相当于每个家庭的门牌号一样,它是一个相对固定的号码,而IP转换器是一款软件,只要申请的线路为ADSL 或 动态IP的光纤,可众使用本软件自动切换IP,该软件节省了用户更改IP地址而需要操作的一些繁琐的事,更加方 …
The RED has proved to be a successful tool in achieving the EU energy and climate change objectives. The clearly defined European regulatory ...
The European Commission published yesterday a Communication and Member Statespecific Recommendations for each country’s National Energy and ...
Elections for the European Parliament are upcoming on the 25th -26th May and the European Political groups have to notify their composition ...
EREF would like to issue both a retraction and an apology concerning 1st April’s political declaration. We just received word that the Eur...
In the lead up to the upcoming reform of the European gas sector, major European and Romanian decision-makers (including Miguel Arias Cañete...
Following the first meeting of the European Union’s 28 energy ministers on the European Commission’s 2050 climate plan on Monday (4 March...
Our organizations are committed to delivering a clean energy futurefor Europe in both the short and the long term. Renewables are the foundat...
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According to data from REN (the Portuguese TSO), the renewable electricity produced in March (4,812 GWh) exceeded the consumption of Mainland...
Antonio Sa Dá Costa was unanimously elected as EREF President for the next two years by members of the European Renewable Energies Federatio...
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This week the European Commission published its second report on the State of the Energy Union which summarises recent activities and provide...
The European Environment Ministers are meeting today to discuss the ratification of the Paris Agreement, an important milestone on the way of...
Savvas Seimanidis was unanimously re-elected as EREF President for the next two years by members of the European Renewable Energies Federatio...
The General Court of the European Union has today declared that the German Renewable Energy Sources Act from 2012 (EEG 2012) involves State A...
The European renewable energy industry represented by the undersigned organisations strongly supports the European Commission’s objective o...
Unfortunately, the latest discussions during the Energy Union Conference of the EU Energy Ministers’ in Riga on the 6th of February 2015 de...
The European Commission published today its strategy to achieve a resilient Energy Union with a forward-looking climate change policy. Accord...
The European Union has made a clear commitment to have global leadership in renewables and energy efficient solutions. The Clean Energy Packa...
The EU-funded research project PVP4Grid presents a first assessment containing fundamental observations on the individual and collective use ...
Further to the meeting of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council that took place on Monday 18 December, the European renewables...
打印机ip地址更换众后不能打印了该怎么办?_打印机及其它 ...:2021-8-26 · 打印机ip地址更换众后不能打印了该怎么办?之前办公室的打印机还好好的,后来搬走众后换了个ip地址打印机就不能用了,该怎么办呢?下面分享解决办法,需要的朋友可众参考下
The European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF) publishes today its position paper on a future energy market design for the European Union....
The European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF) welcomes the Commission’s communication launching the public consultation process on a ne...
With the support and on behalf of its members, EREF has initiated annulment proceedings under Art. 263 TFEU specifically and exclusively agai...
EREF is the federation of national renewable energy associations, representing all renewable energy technologies. For 20 years, EREF has promoted the interests of independent renewable power, fuel and heat production by striving to create and maintain a stable and reliable framework for producers of all renewable energies.
Defend the interests of independent power, fuel and heat production from renewable sources
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Pursuing legal action to ensure that the missed ambitious and legally binding 2024 RES targets are enforced
Create, maintain and further develop stable and reliable framework conditions for renewable energy sources